Saturday, November 16, 2013

Am Proud African!

I used to read a lot about race issues when I was younger; and I am still overwhelmed with sadness when I remember the story of the young Nigerian Guy who was murdered on the street of London by a white dude. Even though I had an understanding of what racial discrimination was, I could never appreciate it full until I found myself in America.

Prior to moving here, all I knew was that I was me. I didn't know what it meant to be African. I didn't know what it meant to be black. All I knew was that I was just me, and most people around me were also like me. We ate the same foods, we wore similar clothes, we spoke the same languages, we shared a common culture and belief system, irrespective of religious values.

I have never questioned and appreciated who I was until recently. When I talk, people realize that I talk differently.  It is always a struggle to get my name right. The food I like to eat is not easily available here. I cant share some jokes with people because they would never get it. Anytime I wear braids, I am always questioned about how I managed to get my hair in that state. Or sometimes when i go low extension, they tend to question why I have to cut my hair in just a short period of time.

I begun to realize that I wasn't just me. I was a part of something bigger. I was a part of a race, a culture, a history. I am an African, a proud one at that.

Our continent is so rich with culture, diversity and history. Our people are the warmest you would ever meet. We have a very rich and interesting culture. We have a very beautiful melanin full black skin. We have faced a lot of travesty, and our problems are unlimited, but our spirit and hope can never be broken.  Africans are beautiful, and I am proud to be one.

I Love Africa!


Da diva!

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